November 8, 2022

Umbrella companies - the need for trust and transparency

Trusting your umbrella company suppliers to do the best and right thing for your contractors goes without saying. 

Trusting your umbrella company suppliers to do the best and right thing for your contractors goes without saying. 

However, with the umbrella industry’s reputation continually being questioned due to malpractice, we understand how difficult this can be.

Umbrella companies have their place

For many recruitment agencies, running an internal payroll operation is beyond their capability, and TJW Contract Solutions work with many agencies who rely on our payroll solutions and expertise.

Our ability to engage with, partner with, and support our agency partners allows them to concentrate on the core recruitment competencies without incurring the employment costs and responsibilities associated with employing temporary workers and running a complex payroll system.

Payslip transparency

At TJW, we are completely open with our processes, payments and deductions.

Our contractor payslips clearly show all deductions concisely and transparently. Our Professional Passport accreditation means that our payroll systems and processes are independently audited to ensure they comply with UK tax legislation and the PAYE scheme.

We treat all income in line with the UK PAYE scheme, and there are no hidden deductions.

Tax avoidance and compliance

With so much focus on the umbrella sector regarding tax avoidance schemes, agencies must be vigilant and conduct due diligence. Furthermore, we’d encourage agencies to conduct audits on their contractors' payslips to check for irregularities and compliance.

Tax evasion or non-compliance in the supply chain could put agencies and end clients at significant risk.

TJW Contract Solutions - a safe and compliant partner

At TJW Contract Solutions, compliance is at the heart of everything we do.

Our clients and contractors can trust us to do things correctly, compliantly and efficiently.

We will not put our agency partners at risk, and we prioritise our contractors' best interests.

If you’d like to discuss how TJW Contracts Solutions can help in ensuring that your supply chain is compliant, then contact us on 01784 270300